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Conspiracy: Abyss Universe

Conspiracy: Abyss Universe

Conspiracy: Abyss Universe is a card game set in the world of Abyss. The card deck in the game consists of cards in five colors, with twelve of each color and cards numbered 0–6. Each player in the game drafts cards and builds a reverse pyramid, starting with a row of five cards, then placing four cards in a row below that, then three under that, etc. The game ends as soon as someone finishes their pyramid, then all players score their points. For each color, you score points equal to the largest valued card in your pyramid. Additionally, for each color, you look at the largest grouping of cards in your pyramid and you score 3 points for each of those cards. Whoever held the pearl majority card at game's end scores 5 points for it. Whoever has the highest score wins.

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RRP Price
Conspiracy: Abyss UniversePJB011 £13.99 £12.59

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